--- title: "I Have a Dirty Secret. I’m a Software Craftsman | by Mohamed Aboelez | Apr, 2023 | Level Up Coding" date: 2023-04-23 cover: screenshot.png tags: [ "Développement", "Artisanat" ] links: - title: "Page originale" url: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/i-have-a-dirty-secret-im-a-software-craftsman-bc160e9e6b5c - title: "Internet Archive" url: https://web.archive.org/web/https://levelup.gitconnected.com/i-have-a-dirty-secret-im-a-software-craftsman-bc160e9e6b5c --- > To my shame, and despite my best efforts not to, when I write code I routinely achieve very high test assurance. We’re not talking 70% of the code or even 80%. No, we’re looking at a truly obscene…