--- title: "The internet used to be fun" date: 2024-02-14 cover: "images/screenshot.jpg" tags: [ "Internet", "Merdification" ] links: - title: "Page originale" url: https://projects.kwon.nyc/internet-is-fun/ - title: "Lien archivé" url: https://web.archive.org/web/https://projects.kwon.nyc/internet-is-fun/ --- > I’ve been meaning to write some kind of Important Thinkpiece™ on the glory days of the early internet, but every time I sit down to do it, I find another, better piece that someone else has already written. So for now, here’s a collection of articles that to some degree answer the question “Why have a personal website?” with “Because it’s fun, and the internet used to be fun.” Voilà un projet qui m'intéresse au plus haut point : il s'agit de rien de moins qu'une compilation d'articles de différents blogs traitant, de plus ou moins loin, de la merdification[^1] du web. [^1]: , un sujet aussi traité par [Ploum](https://ploum.net/2023-06-15-merdification.html)