--- title: 'Programming On 34 Keys · peppe.rs' date: '2022-08-30' cover: screenshot.png tags: - 'Clavier mécanique' - Clavier - Mécanique - Craftsmanship links: - { title: 'Page originale', url: 'https://peppe.rs/posts/programming_on_34_keys/' } - { title: 'Internet Archive', url: 'https://web.archive.org/web/https://peppe.rs/posts/programming_on_34_keys/' } ignore_keywords: - tags --- > Minimizing your keyboard layout is a slippery slope. A few months ago, I built the Ferricy, a 34-key-split-ortho-ergo keyboard. The Ferricy is a fork of the Ferris Sweep MX Bling.